Friday 18 June 2021

Cisco IOS Upgrade

 Step 1

- Start your choosen ftp/scp server

Step 2

- List existing files and  make sure that you have suficient space on the Cisco router

Directory of flash0:/

    1  -rw-          35  May 22 2017 22:18:02 +01:00  pnp-tech-time
    2  -rw-        3066  Feb 16 2017 06:18:00 +00:00  cpconfig-29xx.cfg
    3  -rw-       17595  May 22 2017 22:18:10 +01:00  pnp-tech-discovery-summary
    4  drw-           0  Feb 16 2017 06:18:20 +00:00  ccpexp
  374  -rw-       22737  Feb 16 2017 06:21:12 +00:00  home.html
  375  -rw-   110621884  May 22 2017 22:13:24 +01:00  c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.156-3.M2.bin
250908672 bytes total (17870848 bytes free)


- Make a backup of existing upgrade files and running config

 VG#copy flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.156-3.M2.bin scp://172.X.X.X/c2900-universalk9-   mz.SPA.156-3.M2.bin

VG#copy running-config scp://172.X.X.X/VGrunningconfig.txt

Step 3

- Download the image from and save your new IOS file in the root of your ftp server 


Step 4

 - Copy the file to your Cisco device

VG#copy scp://172.X.X.X/c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.156-3.M9.bin flash:

At this point you may want to verify the integrety of the file so you can run the following command

VG#verify /md5 flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.156-3.M9.bin

The output will give you the checksum like this:

(flash0:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.156-3.M9.bin) = bc6b0373fd88ee1794bf23a89e62c6ac 

I have HashCheck extension tool installed on my Windows 10 so I can right click on the image file and in the Checksums tab paste the output from your router and you should get a match.


Step 5

- Before you apply the new image you can check the currently used image with show version command

VG#show ver

VG uptime is 4 years, 3 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours, 45 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System restarted at 19:16:25 BST Mon May 22 2017
System image file is "flash0:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.156-3.M2.bin"
Last reload type: Normal Reload
Last reload reason: power-on

Step 6 

- Apply the new image from global config mode. As noted by Vlad my UC support engineer it's always good idea to add the original image as a secondary option so should the image in line 1 fails the router can always boot into the original image by using the second line. Obviously do the reload out of hours.

thanks Vlad

VG(config)#boot system flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.156-3.M9.bin

VG(config)#boot system flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.156-3.M2.bin

VG#wr mem


 Job done!!


Sunday 6 June 2021

Aruba IAP reset procedure

 1. Connect a terminal, PC, or workstation running a terminal emulation program to the Console port on the IAP. 

#minicom - in mycase

2. Turn on the IAP. An autoboot countdown prompt that allows you to interrupt the normal startup process and access apboot is displayed. 

3. Press Enter key before the timer expires. The IAP goes into the apboot mode. 

4. In the apboot mode, execute the following commands to assign a static IP to the IAP. 

Hit to stop autoboot: 0 


apboot> setenv ipaddr

apboot> setenv netmask 

apboot> setenv gatewayip

apboot> save 

Saving Environment to Flash... 

Un-Protected 1 sectors 


Erased 1 sectors 


5. Use the printenv command to view the configuration. 

apboot> printenv



Further reference can be found here

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Debug Cisco Voice Gateway

 Debugging Cisco Voice 

I recently came across the following command  “call filter match-list” command,  it’s been available on Cisco IOS Voice Gateways since release 12.3(4)T. and I have to say I found it very very useful so here's how to use it.

If you ever done a debug output from a busy voice gateway, you  would know that it spits out ton's of information constantly but you can use this command to trim down the information to just to the phone calls you are looking for.  

Before you begin to use it create the call filter match-list in global configuration mode. The syntax to get started looks like this:  

CUBE(config)#call filter match-list 1 voice  

Now, you can define one or several criteria to match, including, but not limited to, incoming calling number, outgoing calling number, incoming port, outgoing port and dial peer.  

The filter below would match on outgoing calling number and outgoing voice port

CUBE(config)#call filter match-list 1 voice outgoing calling-number 888XXX outgoing port 0/1/0  

Next enable the filter with the “debug condition match-list 1 {exact-match | partial-match}” command.

I normally start with exact match, and then switch over to partial match if I don’t see the debug output I'm looking for.  

Once the filter is enabled, you can then turn on the debug you want from the debugs that work with the call filter list. This feature supports many of the more common debugs you would use, including debug isdn q931, debug voip ccapi inout, debug ccsip messages, debug vtsp.

Once enabled, all of these normally chatty debugs will be filtered down to the criteria you set up in the call filter list. For example, if the filter above were used as exact match, then only calls with the outgoing calling number 888XXX and matching the outgoing defined voice port would be part of the debug output.  

If you have configured your call filter list and are wondering if you applied it correctly, you can always do a show debug and you should see something like this:  

CUBE#show debug The following ISDN debugs are enabled on all DSLs: debug isdn error is ON. debug isdn q931 is ON. (filter is ON)  

Notice the (filter is ON). Also, if you had partial match as the criteria for your debug call filter list, you would see “debug condition match-list is set to PARTIAL_MATCH” when you entered this command.  

To turn off the filter, just enter the CUBE(config)#no debug condition match-list 1

CUBE(config)#call filter match-list 1 voice 

CUBE(conf-call-filter-mlist)#incoming calling-number 0773XXXXXX

CUBE#debug condition match-list 1 partial-match 

CUBE#debug ccsip calls 

CUBE#ter mon

Once done this you should only see calls from the mobile number above